Exhibition at the VI PER Gallery in Prague opening with a talk.
The exhibition explores the little-known, often-overlooked, and rare intimate behaviour of the botanical world and is on display from the 3rd of May until the 22nd of June 2019.
We live in a world that is constantly evolving, accepting a spectrum of values more diverse than ever before. Increasingly, it is difficult for preconceived patterns and one-sided ideas to respond to the contemporary circumstances. How can we create a feeling of inclusivity that transcends archetypes? How can we confront the notion of the standard with individual experiences allowing other forms of emancipation? Here, we embrace the notion that plants are our oldest teachers and share stories about their more-than-human knowledge. By opening a post-anthropocene space for reflection, we challenge the belief that matter and intelligence should be dissociated, regarding flora as more than a mere commodity. We explore the power of trees, shrubs, flowers, and herbs as a source of inspiration, providing alternatives to the way we design and act, whether on the scale of a national territory, a public space or a private garden.
The VI PER Gallery focuses on architecture in the broadest sense, together with its relations and points of intersection with contemporary art, urbanism, design and media, as well as the political, legal, social, economic and ecological contexts which help to shape architecture and the built environment.